Total Engagement

I am a writer naturally.  I’ve known for a long time that God blessed me with the gift of writing; the gift of expression that I love so dearly.  When I’m feeling my best the content flows from my mind freely and almost effortlessly.  On the other hand I’m still learning to be a business woman.  I wish I had the uncanny ability to execute all of my jumbled and scattered thoughts and goals seamlessly while sporting super cute too tall stiletto’s.  Making it look easy.  Okay, maybe my vision of being a successful business woman is kind of skewed.  I watch too many dang “reality shows” but who can blame me?  Success is being thrown around these days like a cheap thrill.  People are making it look easy when nothing in life is that easy.  So I relinquish my dreams of overnight success, fast money and too tall stiletto’s that I don’t even like to wear, to the hustle behind my dream.  I commit to the hard work, nitty gritty or as a family member once stated, “the riggety raw” of it.  It won’t be easy but it will be worth it.

With that being established, it’s seems like a good time to debut our new You Tube channel!  Total Engagement is my goal and I’m certain that we will connect with many new readers and supporters via this new endeavor.  It’s always too long in between these posts but I can truly say that the last few months I had been completely focused on writing and giving people the best book that I was capable of creating.  The months ahead promise to be new and exciting with so much to look forward to, and I hope you will be right there with me every step of the way.

Writer girl who publishes now,


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