The Importance of Reading

I’m always excited when I see people reading out in public.  Today as my family and I left the pool I observed a lady sitting in her car parked next to me reading a book, so I decided to ask her if she liked to read.  Her eyes lit up with so much excitement I immediately knew the answer that followed, “yes”.  I found out this lady name was Merlene and she was an avid reader.  Of course I just cleaned my car yesterday so I didn’t have any flyers or business cards but she took my information an assured me that she would look my book up.  We chatted for a few minutes as my kids waited impatiently in the car.  It was good to talk to someone else who knew the value of reading and all that it could offer you.  Only real readers know the true beauty of getting so heavily involved in a page turner that you begin to neglect things you know you should be doing.  But you’re compelled to keep going to see how it ends.  I am that person.  I’ve been reading since I was three and I recall that there wasn’t too much that I wouldn’t read.  As a kid my taste in books varied.  One day I might be reading the Babysitter’s Club series, or Sweet Valley High series.  Or maybe it was Dr. Maya Angelou or V.C. Andrews.  It didn’t matter I loved to read and my appetite for books was voracious. 

Being a reader made me a well spoken and informed child.  Those traits developed as a child has given me a tremendous advantage with my educational and career pursuits as an adult and it’s something that I want to share with my children and the world.  I love clothes, shoes, flat screen televisions and cable as much as anybody else but I also know how to tune it all out and focus on things that truly matter like reading and gaining knowledge.  Miss Merlene said something today that resonates in my soul…”knowledge is power”.  Equip yourself and your families with knowledge, the best investment you can make in yourself and your family. 

So the next time you find yourself about to pick up toys, videogames or sneakers for your kids, pick up a book and require that they read it to get those kicks or that iPhone.  I promise you after a while you won’t have to require reading, it will be a peaceful pastime that will build them up.

Peace and Blessings,

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