And the winner is…


…Me!  That’s right, I’m the real winner because even though the past year has been filled with many obstacles, albeit personal and professional; I still have the courage to continue fighting for my dreams of being an author and publisher who inspires, educates and uplifts!

Today I had the pleasure of having an in-store promotional event at Beautifull, a one stop shop for everything Beauty related! 


This store is not only awesome because it’s huge, they have a wide range of products, great prices and even better customer service.  I was lucky enough to meet the owner John while I was out and about trying to secure vendors and distributors of my books a month or so ago. He was nice enough to allow me to promote my book in his stores and I’m very grateful for the opportunity.

With that being said, today has been tough.  I’ve been battling a vicious cold or virus that almost sat me down, but I was determined to get to my event even if I couldn’t stay the entire time. I’m so glad I did.  I got 17 entries for the autographed copies of “Amen S.i.s! It’s Already Done!”, made a business connection and even sold a book!  It was a highly successful day even though I had to wrap up early due to my illness.

With that been said, the winners of the autographed copies are…Gloria Hunter and Adrienne Perry!

Special thanks to my lone customer, Miss Brianna!

Thanks to all the ladies that entered, if you are still interested in getting a copy, the e-book is available for $2.99 on Amazon.

If you want to meet me, purchase a copy of my book or offer some great advice or words of encouragement, feel free to subscribe to this site as it will be updated soon with new events and information regarding the upcoming release of “Sweet Justice: A Mother’s Revenge”.

Be Blessed folks,

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