Sweet Victory


I couldn’t have thought of a bett1465992346464er title for this post…”Sweet Victory”! It’s so befitting on so many levels but the most important one being that my 4th book, “Sweet Justice: A Mother’s Revenge” is finally finished and available for reading consumption!!

It’s been such a journey crafting this story and I’m so excited to finally be able to share it with the world. Of course with excitement comes great anxiety as well. I spent a lot of time working on this story because I wanted it to be good. I want to connect with my readers, take them on an emotional roller coaster when you read my books.

Even though the journey has been long leading up to this point, it has been well worth it for what lies ahead. So here’s to what lies ahead.

If you choose to indulge in a taste of “Sweet Justice: A Mother’s Revenge” you can purchase an Autographed Copy directly from me via my Square Store at:


If you prefer an E-book or unsigned copy, those may be obtained via Amazon at:


I’m hopeful that things are only going to get better from here, so I look forward to more good news to report soon!

Be Blessed Always,


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